Exposed: The Great Teeth Whitening Scams

Exposed: The Great Teeth Whitening Scams

Teeth whitening improves self-esteem and appearance. Consumers are constantly looking for the best at-home teeth whitening systems on the market at a sale price. There are plenty of online scams that offer teeth whitening products for the low cost of $2.99 but also include fine print that most consumers overlook.

Warning Signs

Beware of low-cost teeth whitening systems that sound too good to be true. The whitening systems themselves might produce excellent results, but the added cost is often hidden in the fine print during the online checkout process.

The Scam - Enrolling in auto shipments

Consumers often become so excited to whiten their teeth and find an affordable deal online they rush through the checkout process. Avoiding the fine print has put many consumers at risk of overdrawing their bank accounts. The fine print is usually located at the bottom of the checkout pages. The legally binding fine print generally states that consumers are purchasing their first treatment at a low price but agree to future auto payments being deducted from their bank account or credit card on a monthly basis.

Consumers that have found themselves in this situation usually don’t realize it until they receive a phone call from their bank or credit card company advising them they have an overdrawn balance. Once the research is complete, the charge is revealed and traced back to an online purchase of teeth whitening products. Unfortunately, their charge can’t be reversed because the consumer agreed to the terms by making the initial purchase.

Dr. Smiles teeth whitening pens on the go.

Avoiding teeth whitening scams

You can avoid teeth whitening scams by carefully reading the fine print and terms of service on these products, especially the wording located on the checkout screen. You can also avoid purchasing products that seem to be priced lower than other similar products. Sometimes the low price is a red flag, which unfortunately gets overlooked by consumers just trying to get a good deal on teeth whitening products. Consumers usually have no idea they are signing up for a long-term agreement that is paid for in automatic deductions from their bank account and credit cards. 

The online teeth whitening scams pop up in searches and social media as legitimate businesses. They are offering a product and use marketing strategies such as low prices to attract customers through their advertising. However, they make it difficult to read the entire truth about the agreement with the fine print that is located at the bottom of the page or in unexpected places on the website.

Protect yourself 

You can protect yourself from online teeth whitening scams by being alert, reading the fine print, researching reviews from previous customers and avoiding deals that seem too good to be true.

One of the best ways to get an excellent deal for high-quality teeth whitening treatment is to visit a dentist office. You will be surprised about the various treatment options, pastes, and pens your dentist offers. 


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